Ornamental Decorative Drops
RMF 525 - Bird & Morning Glory Drop
This simple and lovely little element can add a wonderful accent or touch to a panel or pilaster design.
12"L x 4 "W x 1"D
RMF 1486 - Belldrop
This simple Belldrop can be added to an existing drop, or used on its own.
10 1/2 "L x 4 "W x 1/2 "D
RMF 2029 - Bow & Leaf Drop
Imagine this piece at the top of a pilaster design. Many time, simplicity can lead to elegance.
11 3/4"L x 2 3/4 "W x 5/8"D
RMF 2030B - Pilaster Panel
This is the decorative extension that we have used in conjunction with the RMF 2034 series to form the complete composite. Our system of design gives you complete control over the ultimate look and configuration of your own chosen design combination.
18 1/2 "L x 5 "W x 1 "D
RMF 2030C - Vertical Panel Piece
This piece now comes as you see it here. Because of the delicate nature of the design a little care must be taken in handling the part so that the delicate bell flowers do not break loose. If they do, simply put them back together upon instalation. No harm done.
20 "L x 6 "W x 3/4 "D
RMF 2040 - French Grapes Drop
This is a lovely botanical and fruit drop with crowning bow. Imagine this piece stacked vertically to make a panel design. Like many of the elements within the Petitsin Collection, working in concert with your imagination can yield stunning results.
14 1/2"L x 4 "W x 1/2"D
RMF 2064B - Tassle & Rope
This simple Tassle Rope Drop linear has wonderful dimension.
28 3/4"L x 1/2 "W x 1 1/2 "D
RMF 2069C - D'Angel Panel Top
This beautiful piece is on a closed back but has an edge that follows the configuration of the ornament. This originally was a composite in our compo collection, with several different elements. We've assimilated these in resin form for ease of installation.
15 1/4"L x 5 "W x 3/8 "D
RMF 2093 - Botanical Drop
The application of this piece is unieversal. It can accomodate any period and any room situation fromt he earthy to the formal. It varies from our other pieces in that it contains some fruit forms and no roses. It can stand alone creating side panels for just the flavor of decoration where no more is desired.
28 "L x 3 1/2 "W x 1 1/2 "D
RMF 3752B - Small Rose Drop
This is the smallest of our Drops within our "Rose Colection". This is an elegant inverted drop of flowers.
11 "L x 2 "W x 1 1/4"D
RMF 3759B - Rose Drop (Medium)
This Rose Drop has a length of 16". The carving on this piece is extraordinary.
16"L x 2 3/4 "W x 1 1/4"D
RMF 3760B - Large Rose Drop
This is our largest Drop ornament from our Rose Collection.
22 3/4"L x 4 "W x 2"D
RMF 7014 - Fruit & Flower Drop (Left)
This fruit cluster drop, along with its companion RMF 7015 (see below), is a popular ornament with our clients. The robust carving of the fruit elements creates a wonderful dimension of this element.
9 1/2"L x 5 1/8 "W x 1 5/8"D
RMF 7015 - Fruit & Flower Drop (Right)
This Drop, like the RMF 7014, can be used in tandem with iteself, or with the 7014 as companion.
9 3/4"L x 5 "W x 1 7/8"D
RMF 7038 - Bow & Flower Drop
The lovely ribbon bow and tie on this ornament drop sets off a wonderful dimension to this piece. Small and elegant, this piece would make the perfect compliment to many of our swag pieces.
5 5/8"L x 4 1/4 "W x 3/4 "D
RMF 7074 - Vase & Floral Drop
Placint this floral piece in the center of an existing cabinet door completely transforms the feel of an entire room. Add a beautiful linear as a frame, a little paint, some glaze and the look is complete.
21 1/4"L x 6 1/2"W x 3/8"D
RMF 7081 - Narrow Panel Centerpiece
This piece is perfect for decoration on a coffer ceiling or on the bottom of a ceiling beam. JPWeaver combined two RMF 2030B pieces and put them on a backer for you making the installation process more cost effective.
32 1/2"L x5 "W x 3/4 "D
RMF 7082 - French Shell Drop
This is a popular piece in our collection. It is used extensively in our Design Journals in our Design and Elevations section. The carvings and relief of the element is extraordinary.
12"L x 12 "W x 3/4 "D
RMF 60071 - Panel Piece
This piece, like the RMF 60072 (see above), was originally inspired from our composition ornament collection. To assemble was a laborous process. In assimilating the pieces into one resin composite, ease of installation facilitates perfect design.
23 "L x 3 "W x 1/2 "D
RMF 60072 - Panel Piece
This piece, like the RMF 60071 (see below), is a long narrow panel that can be combined into any desired panel height. It can be trimmed to adjust to an odd size. The design of the pieces easly takeup with each other.
22 "L x 3 "W x 1/2 "D